[Tel.] v. n. &a. To plant or fix. guccu. To impress, as with the nails. To prick or pierce, guccukonu. To transfix. naijagunambulu natangaceppi they represented it most impressively. na mata ni ceviki nataceppeda my words shall pierce thine ears. na matalu vanicevilo mulukulainatenu my words pierced his heart. n. Planting, natuta. A wound, (G. X. 152.) a dent: the first or preparatory step, as a chop before striking with the axe. The dent sometimes made on a coin in proving it, called also sulaki; hence the natlavattamu is the loss on shroffage. natuvesinarooted. natukonu natu-konu. v. n. To be fixed in anything. nelakonu. nalukolupu to cause to be fixed, nelakolupu. natanamu or natnamu natanamu. n. Planting little sprouts or young plants,narulonaguvanini natuta. natincu natintsu. v. a. To plant, fix firmly.