panca meaning in english

[Skt.] adj. Five. pamacakamu panchakamu. n. A set of five things, as of epigrams. bhramarapancakamu a set of five epigrams on a bee. yuddha pancakamu the five books of the Mahabharata (VI. X.) which deal with the battle. A battlefield, yuddhabhumi. pancakalyani pancha-kalyani. n. Black or any other colour with white points; piebald; a horse with a white mark or star in the face and with white legs. pancakonamu or pancakonikonamu pancha-konamu. n. A pentagon. See ronamu pancagavyamu pancha-garyamu. n. The five articles derived from the cow, viz.: milk, curds, butter, urine, and dung. pancagaudulu panchagaudulu. n. The collective name for the Brahmins of Bengal and the northern provinces. pancatvamupanchatvamu. n. Death, dying, as being the dissolution of the five elements. pancajanudu panchajanudu. n. Man in general. martyudu. See pancajanyamu. pancajanacarvanamu cannibalism, eating human flesh. A. vi. 70. pancadalamu pancha-dasamu. adj. Fifteenth. pancadasakamu pancha-dasakamu. n. Fifteen. pancadasi pancha-dasi. n. The fifteenth lunar day, of either the dark or bright fortnight. paurnima, leka, amavasya. pancadravidulu The five divisions of the Dravida races, viz. Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kanarese and Mahrati. pancanakhamupanchanakhamu. n. Lit: “Five clawed,” i.e., a tiger. puli. pancanakhi pancha-nakhi. n. An iguana. udumu. pancapatramu pancha-patramu. n. The “five dishes:” a phrase used for five cups used in worship. Also, a sort of cup. pancapranamulu pancha-pranamulu. n. The five vital airs of the body. Life. pancabhutamulu the five elements. pancabanudu, pancasarudu orpancasayakudu pancha-banudu. n. Manmadha the god of love, so named from his five arrows. These are five fragrant flowers, viz., the aravindamu or lotus, the asokamu Jonesia asoka, thecutamu or mango blossom, the navamallika or Arabian jasmine, and the nilotpalamu or blue lotus; these are emblems of five passions denominated dravini, sosini, bandhini, mohini andunmadini, that is, flurry, pinning, enslaving, bewitching and maddening. pancabhaksyamulu five sorts of cakes. pancamamu panchamamu. n. A tenor note, similar to that of the cook when crowing; also, a note like that of the linnet or cuckoo. The musical treble. The two notes pancamamu and sadjamu are called the nityasvaramulu or constant (pervading) notes: they are also called svayambhusvaramulu the supreme sounds. adj. Fifth , ayidavadi. Fine, melodious, impaina. pancamasthiti panchama-sthiti. n. The being a Pariah. The Pariah state or condition.pancami panchami. n. The fifth lunar day, of either the dark or bright fortnight. pancamudu panchamudu. n. A Pariah, or “man of the fifth class:” as not belonging to any of the four pure Hindu castes. malavadu. pancarasikamu pancha-rasikamu. n. The rule of five, the double rule of three. pancalaksanamu panchalakshanamu. n. A Purana. puranamu. pancalavanamulupancha-lavanamulu. n. Salts in general. The five kinds of salt. See lavanamu. pancalohamu pancha-lonamu. n. A mixed metal, composed of five ingredients, viz., copper, zinc, tin, lead, and iron. pancapattelu pancha-pattelu. n. Five streaks. ayidu caralu. pancavannelu pancha-vannelu. n. Five colours. pancavannelaramaciluka pancha-vannclarama-chiluka. n. A paroquet.pancasakhamu pancha-sakhamu. n. The hand. ceyyi. pancangamu panch-angamu. n. An almanac, as specifying five different things, viz., the lunar day (tithi), the day of the week (varamu), the sign in which the moon is (naksatramu), the conjuction of the planets shewing good and bad days (yogamu), and the horoscopes (karanamu). pancangamuppu to give a forecast of the day; to tell lies or false stories. pancanamu panchanamu. n. The united five castes of the carpenter, blacksmith, brazier, goldsmith, and stonecutter. pancanulu panchanulu. n. Workmen, mechanics, or handicraftsmen, pancanamuvaru. pancamrtamu a meat and drink offering formed of cocoanut kernels, plantains, sugar, honey, and ghee. pancayati panchayati. n. A court of arbitrators consisting of ‘five members.’ A Panchayat, an arbitration court. pancayatidarulu arbitrators referees. pancayudhamu the “five weapons” of Vishnu: also as amulet, being a plate of gold on which these are engraven. visnuvuyokka ayidu ayudhamulu, marinni a ayidu ayudhamulayokka rupulu cekkincina patakapubilla. pancarudhipatramu a bond duly executed, i.e., bearing “five names” viz., those of the lender, the borrower, the writer, and two witnesses. pancasyudu, pancavanudu or pancamukhudu panch-asyudu. n. “The five faced;” an epithet of Siva. pancaksari panch-akshari. n. The “five syllables.” that is, a certain spell or holy name “namassivaya” Na-mas-Si-va-ya or “Salutation to Siva,” similar to the five syllables “A-ve-Ma-ri-a.” pancendriyamulu panch-endriyamulu. n. The five senses or organs. “si menilogarnanasanetrajihvatvagahvaya pancendriyamulagosthi.” G. v. 13. pancendriyabaddhudaina panch-endriya-baddhud-aina. adj. Carnal, sensual, worldly, given up to one’s lusts.