patti meaning in english

[Tel. from pattu.] a postposition. A sign of the fifth case of nouns. For, because of, on account of, with reference to. ninnu patti yi panicestunnanu I do this for your sake. It is added to the infinitive of verbs, as a topi undabattigani lekapote atani tala pagulunu had it not been for the cap his skull would have been fractured. kalamu yuktamugatirabatti, (i.e., tirinadiganuka) as the season turned out well or proved good. “prabhavincabatti” (L. XIV. 29.) because he was born. kabatti therefore, it being so, such being the case. patti n. A child, an infant. bidda, koduku, kuturu. pattipatti a son’s son or daughter, manumadu, manumaralu. A roll of betel. A list. pattitalli a woman who has borne a child. tambulapatti a roll or mouthful of betel. [Skt.] n. A plate, palaka. Also, a gold band or fillet tied across the forehead at the time of one’s coronation, pattamu.