pattu meaning in english

[Tel.] v. n. To suffice, to last. cellu. To last a long time, hukalamu cellu. To begin, prarambhincu. To happen, kalugu. kalugu. To cost. To fit or suit. To be possessed by evil spirits. To arrive, as ships. To be imbibed or absorbed, as a dye. To be held or contained. To be affected by disease or pain. v. a. To take, to hold, to catch, to apprehend. grahincu. To take by force,nirbandhamucesi grahincu. donganu patti kattamu catch and tie up the thief. To adopt, avalambincu. To blow as a conch. i gone enta biyyamu pattunu how much rice will this bag hold. i murugu na cetiki pattadu this bangle will not fit my hand. vadu nindasepu upiripattaledu he cannot hold his breath long. cepattu or cettapattu che-pattu. v. a. Lit: To take the hand; to take to wife, to marry.ceyyipattu to seize the hand, to ravish a female. daramunupattu, to twist a cord, nenu. godugupattu to hold an umbrella. kalupattu to geld. kallupattu to massage or rub the legs. pagapattu to conceive hatred. sankhamupattu to blow a conch. katti sanapattu to set or grind a knife or razor. kampupattu to stink. cuttapattu to smoke a cigar or cheroot. pogapattu to apply smoke. a bokkalo na ceyyi pattadu my hand will not go into the hole. tala okadari pattinaru each of them went by a separate road. inka kotapattaledu the reaping has not yet been put in hand. a vyajyamunu pattaledu they did not admit the lawsuit. danigollaku gorintapattadu the colouring does not adhere to her nails. a mandu i roganni pattaledu the medicine has not affected this sickness. a vidyanu baga patti unnadu he has taken well to that branch of study. ginjapatte samayamu the time when the grain is forming in the ear. imadulo evarikemi pattinadi who has any thing to do with this? nalugudinamulu pattunu it will take four days. manisipattematramu only large enough to admit a man. ayidurupayilu pattunu it will cost five rupees. mudu gajalu pattunu it will take three yards. mannemupatti unnaru they betook themselves to the highlands. anavalupattu or gurutupattu anavalu-pattu v. a. To identify, recognise, know again, verify. patti patti matlatenu he spoke in a broken manner. evarinipattite varu ceppuduru ask whom you will, and they will tell you. miru pattimatladite a pani anukulamavunu if you speak to the point the matter will be settled. adi na buddhiki pattaledu I do not take (or comprehend) the meaning. patticeppite a pillavaniki caduvu bagavaccunu if you teach him sedulously the boy will learn well. vadu danini pattukoni pikuladucunnadu he is troubling himself about it.vadu pattinadella bangaramavucu vaccinadi whatever he touched turned to gold. a kotanu pattukonnaru they took the fort. a donganu pattukonnaru they apprehended the thief. na ceyyi pattukonnaduhe laid hold of my hand, or, he seized my hand. a vadukanu pattukonnadu he began the practice. oka nela jitamu pattukonnadu he stopped one month’s wages. ceppagane pattukonnadu he understood me the moment I spoke. nadumu pattukonnadi my loins are strained. [pattu is also added to a great number of nouns, to give them a verbal signification and in such cases it takes its meaning from the noun to which it is affixed; thus:] tappupattu to rust. ilukupattu to be sprained. akkarapattu to be necessary, to be required or to take interest in. kovvupattu to become fat. bujupattu to grow mouldy,dovapattu to take a road. sattuvapattu to be recovered, as strength. patlupattu to be seized with cramp, &c. vadu lancamu pattucunnadu he takes bribes. vadiki verripattinadi he has gone mad. naku calipattucunnadi I feel cold. vani gunamulu niku pattupadinavi you have contracted his habits. vanapattinappudu when rain came on. atlu ceyadanaku nikemipattinadi what business had you to do this? what made you do this? gaddipattinabillu land covered with grass. vanimida tappupattinaru they found fault with him. a mandu norupattinadi the medicine made his mouth swell. vaniki zalubu pattinadi he has caught cold. naku kuruku pattinadi I became drowsy. a duda yinka gaddi patta ledu the calf has not yet taken to grass. pattincu pattintsu. [causal of pattu.] v. a. To cause to hold. To apply oil or ointment, &c. To make one begin. a cinnavadiki amaramu pattincinaru they have made him begin (reading) the Amaram. repu nipani pattistanu or nitalamupattistanu I will settle your business to-morrow, i.e., I will punish you. a pettenu vaniceti pattincukonira make him bring the box with you. pattimpu pattimpu. n. Application. Concern. pillakayalaceta oka pustakamu arambhincadamu, sraddha, akkara, patimpu. amaramu pattimpu ayina mudu nelalaku three months after setting to work on the Amaram. aradhyulaku karmamandu pattimpuledu the Aradhyas pay no attention to rites. “lenipattimpulellanu punicana.” Ila. iii. 29. pattu pattu. n. Holding, a hold. grahanamu, pattukonuta. A handful. Pertinacity, resolution, hold, strength, grip, grasp, seizing. grahanamu. An external application to a swelling to allay pain, &c. puta. Ground, for a proceeding, karanamu. A prop; support, favor; a party or side, adharamu. A part of scene in a play, sthanamu, visayamu. virahapupattu an amorous scene,. yuddhapuputtu a warlike scene. A feat in wrestling. adi talaku pattu pettukoni pandukonnadi she put a plaster on her temples and went to bed. i vyajyamulo pattuleduthere is no proper plea in this suit. okani pattuga matladuta to speak on a man’s behalf. oka pattuganundu to inhit pertinaciously. unikipattu a place, a house, an abode. vadu pattinapattu vadaladu he will not relinquish his purpose. vanni pattina pattuna tisukonivacciri they brought him as he was. pattusnanamu bathing at the commencement of an eclipse, as opposed to vidupusnanamu bathing at its termination. ayana pattubidupu telisinavadu he knows where to be lenient and where to be severe. kutapattunela as far as a cry may be heard. variki karmamulo pattuledu they do not lay much stress upon ceremonies. vadu entamatramu pattu ivvakunda matladucunnadu he speaks without giving them any handle. cala mandi ayanapattu ayiri many followed him, or joined his side. pattuna (with nathe sign of the ablative) at, by, close to. koradi pattu na along the hedge. gadipattuna at the manager. i pattuna at present, pattu feats in wrestling. kadu jettipatlupattagaladu he is able to wrestle. a cuttupatla in the adjacent places, in the neighbourhood. cuttupatla vandlu neighbours. pattu pattu. n. Silk. pattubatta a silk cloth. pattunulu silk thread, spun silk. pattunulupalevandlu a class of silk weavers. pattunuluvandlu a class of silk dyers. pattupurugu pattu-purugu. n. A silkworm. Also, an insect called indragopamu. pattancu patt-antsu. (pattu+ancu.) n. A silk border, a border fringed or trimmed with silk. pattukomma pattu-komma. n. A refuge, stay, support. adhikaramu, utakola. pattukaru Same as patakaru (q. v.) pattukonu pattu-konu. v. n. &t. To catch, to catch hold of, to seize.pattukolu pattu-kolu. n. Catching. pattukonuta. pattujitta pattu-jitta. n. A sort of bird. S. i. 187. pattedu patt-edu. adj. A large handful. Lit. “as much as the hand will hold.” pattujinuvu pattu-jinuvu. n. A kind of bird, pigilipitta. pattudu pattudu. n. Persistence, pattudala. adj. Choice, select. pattuduveta a first rate sheep. pattudavu a picked cow or fine cow. pattudala pattu-dala. n. Affection, favour, Perseverance, persistence. vadalanipattu, abhinivesamu. vaniki danimida ninda pattudala he has a great regard for it. pattubadi pattu-badi. n. A sum received or credited in an account, the worth or coat of any thing, charges, expense, outlay. pattubadu pattu-badu. v. n. To be seized or apprehended. cikkukonu. To become plain, viditamagu. pattusaruva pattu-saruva. n. A fork-like beam used to hold by while working a pikota or water-lift mita trokkuvadu adharamuga pattukone pangalakoyya. patlu. plu. of patla patla. [from pattula.] adv. About, as a cuttupatla in that neighbourhood, round-about. With regard to, with reference to, in the event of. vadu akkada undinapatla in case of his being there. intipatla at home. atanipatla anyayamuceyaku do him no wrong.ipatla in this respect, in this matter.