para meaning in english

[Skt.] prep. Alien, other, appertaining to one’s neighbour. parakaya pradesamu transmigration from one body (kayamu) to another (para) the magic power of shifting oneself into another body. parakiya para-kiya. adj. Alien, belonging to another. itarunidi. n. A neighbour’s wife, a strange woman, parastri, nayikalalonokate. parajatudu para-jatudu. n. A slave, banisavadu. paratantramu orparatantrata para-tantramu. n. Subserviency, obedience, dependence, agency. paratantramu adj. Subservient, obedient, dependent. paratantrudu, parapantudu or paradhinudu n. A servant.paradalamu para-dalamu. n. A foe, an enemy’s army. paradesamu. n. A strange country. paradesi para-desi. n. A foreigner, an immigrant. A guest, atithi. Also, a wanderer, refugee or homeless wretch.paradhyanamu para-dhyanamu. n. A Absence of mind, reverie. paranari para-nari. n. A neighbour’s wife, another’s spouse. parapurusudu another man, not one’s own husband. parapustamu orparabhrtamu para-pushtamu. n. A cuckoo, so called as being reared (pustamu) in another (para) bird’s nest. kokila. parabhrttu para-bhrittu. n. A crow. paramandalamu para-mandalamu. n. A foreign realm. paramarakayantramu para-maraka-yantramu. n. A foe-slaying engine. A. ii. 8. pararati para-rati. n. Fornication, adultery. H. v. 253. paralokamu para-lokamu. n. The other or next world. Heaven. paralokagatudu one who is dead or departed to the next world. paralokakriyalu obsequies, rites for the rest of a departed soul. uttarakriyalu paravasamu para-rasamu. adj. Out of one’s control from joy. ecstacy or sorrow, overpowered, seized in a paroxysm, given up to, transported with or overcome with ecstasy, beside oneself with any passion. paradhinamu. paravasatvamu para-vasatvamu. n. Bewilderment, wildness, ecstasy. paravasudu para-vasudu. n. One who is in ecstasy or wild with joy or sorrow. paravadi para-vadi. n. A dissenter. A foe, an opponent, satruvu. An impetuous or precipitate man, atragottu. Swa. iii. 113. parassatamu paras-satamu. adj. More than a hundred. parassahasramu more than a hundred. parassahasramu more than a thousand. parasati para-sati. n. Another man’s wife a neighbour’s wife, another woman. parasadanamu para-sadanamu. n. A neighbour’s house. parasthalamu or parasthanamu para-stha-lamu. n. Another place. paradhinamu par-adhinamu. n. Possesion by another. a pustakamu paradhinamulonunnadi the book is in another person’s hands. a sottu anta paradhinamaipoyinadi the whole property has fallen into the hands of others. paradhinamuceyu to divert or turn aside from its right possessor. paradhina mpranasankata a life of dependence is a life of misery. adj. Dependent, subject or subservient to another. mparadhinudu par-adhinudu. n. One who is dependent on or subservient to another. anyuniki lobadinavadu. pararthanadi par-artha-vadi. n. A vakil, vakilu.