patalamu meaning in english

[Skt.] n. The nether world, Hades, krindi lokamu. a gunta patalamu valenunnadi that pond is as deep as Hades. i bavilo nillu patalamulo nunnavithe water is very low down in this well. “patalaprasnalumani melkonumu.” A. vi. 77. ti patalaprasnalumani adhogati prasnalu vidicipetti, duraprasnalumani, ninda gudhamuganundedanini adagadamunu calincukoni patalaganga. patalaganga patala-ganga. n. The name of the river that flows through the Hindu Hades. Also, the name of that branch of the Krishna which flows past Sri Sailum. patalabhadi patala-bhedi. n. A grappling hook or drag to recover things sunk in a river.