paru meaning in english

[Tel.] v. n. To run or run away. parugettu, paripovu. To purge, pacanamulagu, parukonu. To fly or rise in the air, egaru. To flow as water, pravahincu. To creep or crawl, paku. To grow, or become. To take effect, as a spell or medicine. To begin. n. A ledge of rock, a flat rock under earth. madugulu corabaru mahisa sanghambulu the buffaloes were rushing to enter the pools. kukkanu kottite yillanta parunu if you beat the dog it will befoul the house. i yendalo pare paksulu midisipadi caccunu in this heat birds on the wing fall down dead. a totaku i nillu paravu this water does not reach that garden. nilluparaniyeru the river which has ceased to flow.nelabare nallacima a black ant that crawls on the earth. naluka nallabarinadi the tongue turned black. na mantramu paraledu my spell did not take effect. akulu pandabarucunnavi the leaves are turning yellow atanimida na drsti parinappudu when my eye lighted on him. aratimida nida parinappudu when the shadow fell on that stone.vani manasu danimida parucunnadi his thoughts run or are bent on her. adi pagulluparucunnadi it is splitting. endabarucunnadi it is beginning to dry up. gadusuparu to grow hard. birusuparu to grow stiff “atlu tana ceta hetasesulaina janula baraganugoni rathamekki paturayamuna.” M. X. i. 198. parazalu para-dzallu. v. a. To sprinkle, or scatter abroad. parazacu paradzatsu. v. a. To extend, as the arms or legs. kalluparazapu to open or straddle the legs. parazucu para-dzutsu. v. a. To look through, go over, view, examine well, vintavarulerugada yancu sadanambu parajuci.” T. iii. 128. paradolu para-dolu. v. a. To drive out or away, to defeat, tarumu. parabattu para-battu. v. a. To winnow in the wind, to let down grain against the wind. bhavabhayambula parabattinavaru, anaga papabhitini tulayamanamu cesinavaru. L. ii. 29. and ii. 1. parabata para-bota. n. The act of pouring out or throwing away. paraboyuta. paraboyu para-boyu. v. a. To pour away, to pour off, or empty out. kummarincu. parami parami. [negative verbal noun from paru.] n. The act of not flowing or running. pravahimpakapovuta, parugettakapovuta. “parikimpanennallu paramidassi.” BD. iv. 1825. anaga dinamulu sukhamuga jarugananduku visiki. paraveyu or paravaicu para-veyu. v. a. To fling or throw away, to lose, visiriveyu, vadalaviducu, zaraviducu. paradu par-adu. (pari+adu.) v. n. To creep or crawl. paripovu pari-povu. v. n. To run away, escape. parukadu paruk-adu. (paruka+adu.) v. n. To run, parugettu. To creep, to roam, to ramble. venta badi vidhulandu parukadedi mrdupadamulavalana.” Sar. D. 615. parutakka or paruta paru-t-akka. n. A Brahmin woman. A. 452. brahmanastri.parutasurudu paru-t-asurudu. n. A demon who was formerly a Brahmin, brahmaraksasudu. A. v. i. 57. parutakulu paru-t-akulu. n. Autumnal leaves. Leaves, which have got a red tinge but are not withered. (This is the clothing of hermits.) “mancelamidanekki katimandalicuttina parutakuli, ncincukacancalinci.” Kalahas. iii. 12. paruduparudu. (paru+vadu.) n. A Brahmin. brahmanudu. M. XII. iii. 460. A motion of the bowels, pacanamu. The act of flowing, pravahincuta. A stream, pravahamu. parutencu orpartencu parutentsu. v. n. To come running, parugetti vaccu. “vaccirahavamonarimpavarilona padatiyokkate munnadi parutenci.” Jaimini. v. 725. parubotu or parumoruparu-botu. n. A fugitive, a coward. pirikivadu. paruveta paru-veta. n. The chase, game that is hunted. A festival, devotsavamu.