pidikedu meaning in english

n. A handful, as much as can be held in the closed fist. “erukapidikedu dhanamu” (a proverb) acquaintance is a handful of money.pidikola pidi-kola. n. The handle of a plough staff, nagelulonaguvani medi. pidiganta pidi-ganta. n. A bell with a long handle. pidiguddulu pidi-guddulu. n. Blows.pidigottu pidi-gottu. v. a. To geld, as an animal. Literally, to strike the handle (of a chisel, &c., which is placed on the testicle.) edduvattalukottu, piccalutiyu.pidipippedaku pidi-pipped-aku. n. An acrid gummy weed, poisonous to sheep, also called vegatajiguru or gadidegadapara. pidimura pidi-mura. n. The distance between the elbow and the closed fist. pidiyamu or pidemu pidiyamu. n. A dagger, baku. pidivatu pidi-vatu. n. Taking sheaves of corn up in the hand and beating out the grain from them. An agreement, odambadika. pidivatuciti a note or letter which parties write to each other after an agreement. pidivadamu pidi-vadamu. n. Obstinacy, murkhamu. pidiveyu pidi-veyu. v. n. To put a handle on to anything. pidisana pidi-sana. n. An anger, a drill. barama pidisi or pidine pidisi. n. A Rose colored Pastor or Cholum Bird. “pidiselu cenimida nokabissunavalagajuci.” Sri Natha.