[Tel.] v. a. To pick up, to handle, to take with the five fingers. vrellatotisikonu. To pinch. To give a little, koncemuga iccu. To give, iccu. nelapunuku to grovel on the earth as in grief. ame annamu punikipuniki pettinadi she gave good stintingly. n. A gift. ivi. Giving, iyyadamu pudukudoduku or pudukupasi puduku-doduku. (puduku+doduku.) n. The cow that grants all that one wishes, kamadhenuvu. pudukugallu puduku-gallu. n. The stone that grants all that one wishes, cintamani. pudukumranu puduku-mranu. n. The tree that grants all that one desires, kalpavrksamu. pudakulu or punuku pudukulu. n. A kind of cake, bhiksyavisesamu. punikirincu or pudikirincu punikirintsu. v. n. To give a little. koncemuga iccu. To fumble, to twitch or be convulsed, as the fingers picking the sheets, &c., punikirinta or pudikirinta punikirinta. n. Fumbling; twitching. punikillu, pudikillu or punukulu punikillu. n. Poking, shoving. A romping game like Puss in the corner. “mariyu budikillu modalugamanasuvaccinatalanniyu.” N. ix. 102.