peda meaning in english

[Tel.] adj. Large. pedda. Hinder, back, behind. venukati. Wrong, erroneous, audacious, viparitamu. pedayuktulu wicked devices. pedatala the back of the head, talavenukatibhagamu. pedakorikalu wrong wishes. pedadari a wrong way, tappudari. pedaceyyi the back of the hand, mijeyyi. sedarthamu a wrong sense. pedabobbalu a dreadful yell. pedakacca the back tuck of the modesty piece.pedarekkalu viricikattu to pinion. pedaka pedaka. n. The back part or haft of a knife, kattiyokka venukati bhagamu. pedakantivaru peda-kanti-varu.n. The name of a certain subdivision of Kapu caste.”pantamotati pedakanti panati.” H. iv. 171. pedakatte or pedasarakatte peda-katte. n. A stubborn person, murkhudu, murkhuralu. pedakatlu peda-katlu. n. Tying the hands behind the back, cetulanu venukaku viricikattuta pedakalu peda-kalu. n. A leg folded backwards, venukaku madicinakalu pedakelu peda-kelu. n. An arm bent backwards. pedakelukattu pedakelu-kattu. v. a. To pinion, pedarekkalu viricikattu. “pedakelugattina priyasutu ganci.” SD. v. 419. pedacevi peda-chevi. n. The back part of the ear, cevivenukatibhagamu. namatalu pedacevini bettinadu he turned a deaf ear to my words. pedanela peda-nela. n. A clever or skilful man, tirpari (obsolete.) pedabayu peda-bayu. v. n. To be separated, edabayu. “vallabhulu pranavibhumbedabayanerture.” Parij. iv. 60. pedabapu peda-bapu. v. a. To separate, &c. edabapu. M. XII. v. 87. pedamaralu, pedamaru or pedamarlu peda-maralu. v. n. To turn back, venukaku tirugu. pedamarlu peda-marlu. n. Turning back, fleeing. venukaku tiruguta. pedamarincu peda-marintsu. v. a. To cause to turn back, venukakutrippu. pedamalle peda-malle. n. A kind of Jasmine tree. H. iv. 21. pedamomu or pedamu peda-momu. n. The face turned away. pedamomupadu peda-momu-padu. v. n. To be turned away, as the face. pedarecu peda-retsu. v. a. To goad, instigate, egg on, purikolupu.