pedda meaning in english

[Tel.] adj. Great, big, large. goppa, adhikamaina. Long, high, tall, podugaina. Loud. Chief, principal, mukhyamaina. sresthamu. Respectable, honest, honourable. Old, aged. Senior. n. An elder, or senior. jyesthudu, jyesturalu peddavadu. An old man, vrddhudu, musalivadu, musalistri, A great man, goppavadu. An ancestor. A chief ruler or prince. raju. adv. Greatly, much. mikkili, atyantamu, “peddapecci.” M. I. v. 272. pinnantaramu the proper distinctions between old and young, respective rank. peddakalamu a long time: also, old age. ataniki peddakalamu samipincinadi orsambhavincinadi he has become an old man. “kadupeddadavvupoyi” going a great distance. M. I. i. 190. induku peddamatalendukoyi why make such a noise about this? idi oka pedda paniya is this a great matter? peddamelayye so much the better, sarvottamamayenu velpupedda the father or ruler of the gods. badipedda a class leader, or head boy. pinnapeddalu young and old, every body; or village elders. “mapeddalu munuvelpulu” my ancestors were the gods. B. X. 6. peddakapu pedda-kapu. n. The headman among the ryots of a village, a village headman, gramadhikari, gramamulo pettanamucese kapuvadu.pettandri pettandri. pedda+tandri.) n. A father’s elder brother: the husband of a mother’s elder sister. pettalli pet-talli. (pedda+talli.) n. A mother’s elder sister. The wife of a father’s elder brother. pettanamu orpeddatanamu pet-tanamu. (pedda+tanamu.) n. Power, authority, headship. Greatness, rank, respectability, chieftainship. peddamanisitanamu, goppa, gauravamu. “peddatanamu poye buddhi pedatalabatten.” T. iv. 15. Superintendence. adhikaramu. Old age, musalitanamu. paina pettukonnapettanamu assumed superintendence. mogudu cavagane mundaku pettanamu vaccinadi after the death of her husband the widow became head of the family. pillapettanamulu childish management. bestapettanamu official insolence or swagger. ayanaku pettanamu vaccinadi, baita tirugaledu he is now aged, he cannot walk about.pettanagadu pettana-gadu. n. A superintendent, a chief. adhikari. peddakiritigadu or cinkabellinci pedda-kiriti-gadu. n. The Indian Grey Shrike, Lanius lahtora. (F.B.I.) peddakomati or peddanetti pedda-komati. n. The head man or leader among the merchants. peddaceyu pedda-cheyu. v. a. To magnify, honour, increase. “priyamuputtanga nentayu beddajesi.” Vish. vi. 36. padimandikudi yevanni pedda cestevade pedda he is honorable whom all consent to honor. a dipamunu peddaceyumu put the light out. peddatala pedda-tala. n. A leader.peddayaiyundi karyamunu nadipincuvadu. peddadi pedd-adi. n. An old woman: an old animal; a large or great thing. peddanallancigadu leka caralagadu pedda-nallanchi-gadu. n. The Magpie Robin, Copsychus saularis. (F.B.I.) peddanidura or peddanidra pedda-nidura. n. Deep sleep, i.e., Death. cavu, dirsanidra pedanidrapovu pedda-nidra-povu. v. n. To die. caccu. peddanela pedda-nela. n. The month called jyesthamasamu. peddanna pedd-anna. n. The eldest brother.peddapuli pedda-puli. n. A royal tiger. vyaghramu. peddapulugu pedda-pulugu. n. An owl. peddapola or peddamaṃsamu pedda-pola. n. Cow’s flesh, beef. gomaṃsamu. peddamanisi or peddamanusyudupedda-manishi. n. An aged person. A gentleman, an honest man, a man of respectability. nivu cala peddamanisivi you are very fine fellow. a cinnadi peddamanisi kaledu that girl has not yet reached puberty, or arrived at maturity. peddamanisitanamu pedda-manishi-tanamu. n. Manly or respectable conduct, propriety, decency, honesty. peddamanu pedda-manu. n. The name of a certain tree called Ailanthus excelsa. (Rox. & E. P.) katvangamu, dundigapumanu, penumanu. peddamanucekka or patta the bark of this tree, or, of Ailanthus malabarica, which is used in medicine. peddamma pedd-amma. n. An elder mother, i.e., mother’s elder sister or a father’s elder brother’s wife. peddamma is also the name of jyesthadevi a goddess who is the personification of misfortune, and is described as the elder sister of sri or Fortune. The word is also used to mean a wretched creature, a blockhead. vanni peddammapattukonnadi he is out of luck. vanni peddamma vidicinadi his luck has taken a turn. idi buddhimanturalu vadu vattipeddamma she is a sensible woman, but he is a mere blockhead. peddammanela a wretched bit of land. peddammatanamu pedd-amma-tanamu. n. Wretchedness, stupidity. peddayu pedda-yu. adv. Very, exceedingly, much. mikkili. peddarikamu peddarikamu. n. Greatness, rank, respectability, old age. peddatanamu, vrddhatvamu, goppa, gauravamu. peddarogamu pedda-rogamu. n. Leprosy. peddalupeddalu. n. plu. Elderly people, one’s seniors, the wise, telisinavaru. Ancestors, fore-fathers. peddavayassu pedda-vayassu. n. Old age. peddakalamu. peddavadu pedda-vadu. n. An elder, senior, an old man.peddavakili pedda-vakili. n. The principal gate of a temple, &c.gopuradvaramu. peddavaramu pedda-varamu. n. Wednesday. budhavaramu. peddavinnapamu pedda-vinnapamu. n. Hardness of hearing.cevudu, badhiratvamu. peddavinnapamudi pedda-vinnapamu-di n. A deaf woman. cevitistri. peddavinnapamuvadu pedda-vinnapamu-vadu. n. A deaf man. cevitivadu. peddavidhi pedda-vidhi. n. A highway, a public road, rajavidhi, rajamargamu. peddavelupu pedda-velupu. n. Brahma, brahma, surajyesthudu. peddavelu pedda-velu. n. The thumb, botanavelu, angustamu. peddakucettu pedd-aku-chettu. n. A certain forest tree. peddapuri pedda-puri. n. A fine sort of sugar made at Peddapur, a town near Rajahmundry. peddi peddi. (from pedda.) adj. Great. peddintamma pedd-int-amma. n. A name of a certain village goddess, oka gramadevata. peddetikonga pedd-eti-konga. n. The large river heron. The pelican.