potti meaning in english

[Tel.] n. A thin soft, old cloth, mettani sannani pata vastramu. An integument, coat; skin, bark. nara, patta. kobbarigala modalainavarini podigiyundedi. Also, a torch, diviti. pokapotti the coat or skin covering the upper part of an areca tree. aritipotti the coat or skin on a plantain tree. podumupotti a snuff box, (literally, a piece of bark folded to contain snuff.) potti orpottigudda baby linen. pottinulu fibres used in garments made of bark. M. XII. vi. 221. pottipanca bombasine cloth, woven of silk mixed with cotton. pottika pottika. n. Same as potti. Doll’s clothes, a gaudy dress for an idol or for a little girl. “bommapottikaladigitikomma yindamanucunicce tadeccina yumbaramulu.” M. IV. v. 308. pottikadupu potti-kadupu. n. The abdomen, or belly below the navel. vasti, krigadupu. pottigadda potti-gadda. n. A certain medicinal root called karikari, visalya, pottidumpa. potticira potti-chira. n. Cloth made from the fibres of the bark of certain trees. naracira. pottitamara potti-tamara. n. A species of the lotus flower which does not open wide, mudugutamara, namaskari. pottinulu potti-nulu. n. Silk thread. pottinulikaya orpottinuligudu potti-nuli-kaya. n. A cocoon. pottili pottili. n. Baby linen. pottiguddalu. “lilabottilimida leci kurcunduco taddayunoka krottamudduceluvu.” KP. vi. 207. pottili sora or nalladindipottili-sora. n. A kind of gourd, Rhynchobatus ancylostomus.