pottu meaning in english

[Tel.] n. Friendship, partnership, holding in common. snehamu, sahavasamu, visvasamu, ummadi, avibhaktita. porunasti, pottulabhamu (proverb) quarrelling is a loss, friendship is a gain. pottunaguducu to eat together as messmates, bigisigatinu. vidhulu andarikipottu the streets are free or common to all men. a sarukulu pottuna konnaru they bought the goods between them, or as common stock. a pani pottulupoka padavesipettinaru the work is left undone because they could not settle which of them should do it, a pani nidante nidani padavesipettinaru. “nrpupottubamupottungapatundagu mitrupottugadusaripottu, ᚃviparita bharya pottu nnepamidi niduvangavalayu.” Sumati. 129. “itti avamanapupottu mananga vaccune.” M. IV. iii. 33.pottulavadu he in whom both parties have an equal right or interest. iddariki samamainavadu. “enupottulavadanai yiruvurakunu.” ib. XII. v. 257. adj. Friendly, united, associated. snehitamu, sangatamu. pottukadu pottu-kadu. n. A friend, snehitudu. pottukatte pottu-katte. n. A female friend. snehituralu. pottuguducu pottu-gudutsu. v. n. To avail or come to good. panikivaccu.”satyamulu pottuguducuna sunnutangi bhalira satyamulanalainaccuniku.” Ila. iv. 21. ti satyamulu pottuguducuna, basalu kalisivaccuna. pottugudupu pottu-gudupu. n. Eating together as messmates. panjktibhojanamu. pottuceyu pottu-cheyu. v. n. To make friends with, to cultivate friendship, to associate with, snehamu ceyu. pottuvu pottuvu. n. An epithet of Sarasvati, sarasvati.