poka meaning in english

[Tel.] n. The areca or betel-nut-palm, Areca catechu, (Watts). An areca nut. pokantayannamu a morsel of food “anucu, pokalakunda catratimida pagula veyucu” Kanyaka Pur. viii. 266. So saying she hurled a jar full of nuts down on the floor. “nijamupokayu nikumemimu.” HD. i. 1527. pokaganji poka-ganji. n. The Catechu. Terra japonica, kaca. pokaperu poka-peru. n. A kind of cake, bhaksyavisasamu. pokabantivuvyu poka-banti-puvvu. n. The flower called Bachelor’s button. pokamudi poka-mudi. n. The knot that secures a woman’s petticoat at the girdle.poka mudisadalince she unloosed her petticoat. pokottu pok-ottu. (poka+ottu.) n. Nippers for breaking the betel nut. adakottu.