potu meaning in english

[Tel.] n. The male of certain birds, animals and plants, pasu paksulalomagadi. abotu an ox, vrsabhamu. enubotu a male buffalo. mekapotu a he-goat, a ram. nakkapotu a male fox.goddupotu a barren woman. potutiga a male fly. potutenugu a male elephant. potukarudu the bigger surf, peddala. potutadu the male palm tree. poturautu, an epithet of Yama, the god of Death,yamudu. potupilla, a male young one. pasujatilo magapilla. potupilli a tom cat. potu sometimes means one who is addicted to, as tagubotu a drunkard. tindibotu a glutton. tugupotu a sluggardvadurubotu a chatter box. potupiccika or peddapiccika potu-pichchika. n. The Ashy-crowned Finch Lark. Pyrrhulauda grisca. (F.B.I.) poturaju or potaraju potu-radsu. n. The name of a rustic god, like Pan, worshipped throughout the Telugu, Canarese and Mahratta countries. He represents the male principle associated with the village goddesses Gangamma, Peddamma, &c. A proverb says paduuriki mancapukodupoturaju in a ruined village the leg of a cot is a god. cf., ‘a Triton of the minnows’ (Shakespeare.) bammerapotaraju the name of a certain poet. potularaju potula-radzu. n. A name given to a large hound.