[Skt.] n. Addiction to, connection with. A conversation, talk, discussion. prastavamu, sallapamu, sangati Connected reasoning or argument. visaya vistaramu, vadamu. A discourse, speech, sermon, lecture. a panditula prasangamu ceyucundiri the Pandits were holding a disputation.ikanu a prasangamu manukondi have done with that discussion. prasanga sangatya in the course of conversation. adhikaprasangamu talkativeness. prasangincuprasang-intsu. v. n. To talk about, to discuss, prastavincu, vadincu. To make a speech. prasakti pra-sakti. n. A topic, or subject of conversation. a prasakti naku teliyadu I know nothing about the matter. prasaktincu prasakt-intsu. v. n. To talk about, to be related to (a subject). prastavamunakuvaccu.