prapincu meaning in english

[Skt.] v. a. To obtain, get, attain to. pondu. prapu prapu. n. A prop. A protection, support, a refuge; patronage; a person on whom one depends, asara, asrayamu. ayanaprapunanunnamu we are under his protection. praptamu praptamu. adj. Obtained, gained, acquired, received, procured, caught, as a disease, pondabadina. kusthu ataniki praptamainanduna because he caught the leprosy. n. That which is obtained. that which falls to one’s lot, luck, fortune.napraptaminte this is all I can get, such is my luck. prapti prapti. n. Obtaining, attaining, pondadamu. Gain, profit, labhamu. One of the eight superhuman faculties, the power of obtaining every thing one desires. astaisvaryamulalo nokati. Luck, fortune. adrstamu. vaniki ante prapti this is all he can get. dani prapti atlu undinadi such was her luck. niku adi praptiledu you were not fortunate enough to get it. praptincu praptintsu. v. n. To happen or occur; to be gained, obtained, found. kalugu, labhincu. vaniki rogamu praptincinadi he contracted or caught a disease. praptudu praptudu. n. One who has attained. varu vaikuntha praptulari they went to Vishnu’s heaven, i.e., they died. prapyamu prapyamu. adj. Attainable, procurable, that may be got. pondadagina. prapakamu prapakamu. n. Protection, patronage, refuge.avalambamu, avastambhamu, asara, prapakudu prapakudu. n. One who puts an object within our power or reach. ghatakudu. A patron, protector, guardian.