bandu meaning in english

[for Skt. bandhuvu.] n. A vulture; also called ramabandu and boruna. [Also, from Skt. bandhamu.] A tie, a band; a hoop, clasp, clamp, or hinge. An iron clamp for joining boards together. talupuku veseyinupakammulu. The bank of a reservoir or tank. The act of surrounding, avaranamu. Secrecy, gopanamu. Obstruction, nirodhamu. bandukattu bandu-kattu. n. A conspiracy, league, cabal, plot, plan, scheme. jatikattupatu. bandukattukattukonu to be leagued together, to have a private agreement. bandukattumatalu slang, such as gypsies use. bandugudu or banduvudu bandugudu. (for Skt. bandhuvu.) n. A relation. bande bande. n. Imprisonment, cera, kayidu. Confinement of cattle. pasuvulacera. Poundage fine: a fine for a trespass by cattle. pasuvuladanduga. bandetisikonu to exact a fine for stray cattle. bandeladoddi a cattle pound. bandekadu bande-kadu. n. One who puts in prison. ceraloveyuvadu. bandekatte bande-katte. n. A woman who puts in prison,ceralo veyunadi. bandegonu bande-gonu. v. a. To imprison, cerabettu. bandelapotu bandela-potu. n. One who is given to imprison people. ceraveyu svabhavamugalavadu. bandeveyu bande-veyu. v. a. To impound cattle. To exact a fine for cattle that have trespassed.