maya meaning in english

[Skt.] n. Fraud, trick, deceit, delusion, illusion, diplomacy. Conjuring, indrajalavidya. Ignorance, avidya. Philosophical illusion, the phenomenal-world, unreality of all worldly existence. This is personified in mythology as Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, she being the immediate and active cause of creation. mayaprapancamu the delusive world. ‘Vanity’ in the theological sense: materiality as distinguished from intellectuality. mayaladi a deceitful woman. vanitalu mayavinodulainanduna as women are deceivers. M. XIII. ii. 189. mayasvarupamua fictitious form. mayagolladu a seeming herdsman, i.e., Krishna, who bore the appearance of a rustic. mayadariga unexpectedly, by stealth or trick, cunningly. mayakadu. mayagadu, mayadari or mayapotu a deceiver, mayavi. mayadevi mayadevi. n. Nature, regarded as a goddess. mayadevi sutudu a name of Buddha. mayanagaramu the place called Haridvara. mayamumayamu. n. Same as maya. Disappearance, adrsyamu. adj. Vanished, disappeared. mayamagu to vanish. ungaramu mayamaipoyinadi the ring disappeared. varu mayamaipoyiri they vanished.a pamu mayamaipoyinadi the snake disappeared. idi yemimayamu this is a strange trick. mayaladu mayal-adu. n. A rogue. mayaluceyupurusudu. mayavi, mayi. mayalamari or mayikudumayavi. n. A cheat, a deceiver, a juggler, a conjurer. aindrajalikudu. mayaluceyu purusudu. mayi mayi. n. Concealment. marugu. Blackness, nalupu.