[Skt.] n. A demigod. devayonivisesamu, kuberadiyaksajatudu. Kubera, kuberudu. yaksakardamamu yaksha-kardamamu. n. A perfume made of powdered sandalwood mixed with camphor, agallochum, musk, and saffron in various proportions. parimaladravyamulu kalipinacandanamu. yaksaganamuyaksha-ganamu. n. A melody, a chant. Poetry written rather to suit an air than according to the strict rules of prosody. There are several poems written in this style as thesitakalyanamu, usaparinayamu, gadudacalamu, &c. yaksaksi yaksh-akshi. n. A thorny plant. Guilandina bonducella. sukajambukaya, ngacca. yaksini yakshini.n. An art by which events that have happened elsewhere are revealed, gatincina vrttantamunu telipe okavidya. A female fiend attached to the service of Durga, and frequently maintaining (like a sylph or fairy) intercourse with mortals. yaksinipampu bewitching, sorcery. mantrikudu pampina panulu cese dayyamu.