yajanamu meaning in english

[Skt. from yaj to sacrifice.] n. An offering or sacrifice. yajnamu. Vish. v. 363. yajincu yajintsu. v. n. To perform or offer a sacrifice.yajnamuceyu. v. a. To worship, arcincu. yajamanudu or yajamani yaja-manudu. n. One who offers a sacrifice, a sacrificer, yajnakarta. A lord, a master, prabhuvu. An owner or proprietor, sontagadu. A husband, grhasthudu. An employer of priests at a sacrifice; the person who institutes its performance and pays the expense,rtvigadiniyantrkayajnakarta gramayajamanulu the headmen of a village. yajamanuralu yaja-manu-r-alu. n. A wife; a lady, good woman, or mistress of a family.yajamanatvamu or yajamanyamu yaja-manatvamu. n. Mastership, lordship, dominion, adhipatyamu. yajurvedamu or yajussu yajur-vedamu. n. The name of one of the four Vedas. yajnamu yagnyamu. n. The rite of offering a sacrifice; a sacrifice or offering. The sacrifice in which a goat is smothered and the inside fat is dressed and eaten by Brahmins. (The person who celebrates this sacrifice assumes the honorary title of somayajulu.) yajnasutramu or yajnosavitamu yagnya-sutramu. n. The sacred thread, worn by the three principal classes of the Hindus. zandemu. yajva or yajvudu yajva. n. A sacrificer in due form, agreeably to the Vedas. vidhyuktamuga yajnamuceyuvadu.