[Skt.] n. Juice, fluid, liquid, extract, essence. Taste, flavour, ruci. Taste, sentiment, emotion, passion, affection, humour. Quicksilver,padarasamu. The sadrasamulu or six flavours are madhuramu or tisi sweet; amlamu or pulusu sour; tiktamu or vagaru astringent; lavanamu or uppu salt; katuvu orkaramu pungent; kasayamu or cedu bitter. rasakhandamainabhumi or rasavattainabhumi strong soil, which is not exhausted. nirasamainabhumi land that is exhausted.koparasamu the spirit of wrath. dayarasamu the spirit of love, kind feelings. i padyamulo rasamuledu this is a tasteless verse. virasamainamatalu rude language. The ninerasamulu or humours produce the following sthayibhavamulu (symptoms.) 1. srngararasamu (love) produces rati enjoyement. 2. nirasamu (honour) produces utsahamudaring. 3. karunarasamu (mercy) begets vismayamu marvel. 5. hasyarasamu (merriment) produces hasyabhavamu laughter. 6. bhayanakarasamu (timidity) leads tobhayamu fright. 7. bibhatsarasamu (austerity) begets jugupsa sarcasm. 8. raudrarasamu (wrath) leads to krodhamu cruelty. 9. santarasamu. (gentleness) producessamabhavamu calmness. rasakarpuramu rasa-karpuramu. n. A white sublimate or muriate of mercury, karpurarasamu. rasagundu rasa-gundu. n. A ball coated with quicksilver, rasamupurinagundu. rasajnu rasa-gnya. n. The tongue, naluka. rajajnata rasa-gnyata. n. Skill, judgement, taste, critical discernment, telivi. rasajnudurasa-gnyudu. n. A man of taste, a critic. gunadosamulaneriginavadu. rasadadi or rasadali rasa-dadi. n. Sugar cane. ceruku. “mamadhurasthuladadimabijamulatoda, dasararurasadadiganelatoda.” A. ii. 85. A fine sort of plantain. aratilo bhedamu. rasadalika rusa-dalika. n. A kind of sugar, cerukudinusu. rasana rasana. n. The tongue., naluka. rasanendriyamu rasan-endriyamu. n. The sense of taste. rasavati rasa-vati. n. A kitchen. vantillu. rasavargamulu rasa-vargamulu. n. plu. The various condiments or ingredients such as salt, pepper, &c. sambaramulu. rasavadamu rasa-vadamu. n. Alchemy, chemistry, padarasamunukatti bangaruceyuvidya.rasavadi rasa-vadi. n. An alchemist, a chemist, rasamunukatti bangaruceyuvadu. rasasinduramu rasa-sinduramu. n. A sort of factitious cinnabar, made with zinc, mercury, blue vitriol and nitre, ausadhavisesamu. rasasiddhi rasa-siddhi. n. Alchemy, rasavadamu. “dhamaniyakhambuna gralincimerungupasidi ganerasasiddin.” R. vi. 10. rasanjanamu a kind of collyrium. anjanavisesamu. rasatalamu rasa-talamu. n. A name of Hades. patalalokamu. rasabhasamu ras-abhasamu. n. Bad taste, inelegance. adj. Disagreeable, disgusting. virasamaina. a slokamunu diddi rasabasamu cesinadu in correcting the verse he has spoiled it, he showed bad taste in correcting it. rasabhasamuga matladinadu he spoke coarsely. ayillu ninda rasabhasamuga nunnadi that house is very disagreeable. uregucundaga vana vacci anta rasabhasamaipoyinadi when the marriage procession was going on, there was a shower and everything was upset. rasayanamu ras-ayanamu. n. A panacea, a medicine preventing old age and prolonging life, jaravyadhiharausadhamu. Butter milk, sweet curds, gorasamu, calla. Poison, visamu. “tananaco madhuryamenayu na yivi cudumannatlu melirasayanamulu, oppuga ginniyalanunci yapacarinci.” T. iii. 18. ti rasayanamulu, tisigaligina padarthamulu. rasala rasala. n. A pudding or mess of curds, mixed up with sugar and spices. perugulo naneka dravyamulu vesi cesinadi. rasalamu rasalamu. n. The sugar cane, ceruku. Also, the sweet mango tree,tiyyamamidi cettu. rasavallu ras-avallu. n. A kind of cakes. “tana yintanappudayitamonarincinakammadavu lolukurasavallunuminupavadalu japatlunugoduma pindivantalun galavaninan.” Vish. iii. 377. rasi or rasika rasi. [Tel.] n. The pus, or matter of a sore, serum. punticimu. rasika rasika. [Skt.] n. A woman of taste.rasikuralu. rasikata or rasikatvamu rasikata. [Skt.] n. Good taste or judgement. rasajnata. rasikudu rasikudu. A man of taste. srngaradirasamulanu grahincuvadu, rasajnudu. rasitamu rasi-tamu. n. Sound noise, thunder. dhvani, urumu.