[Tel.] v. n. To come, arrive. To happen, occur, take place. ceru, sambhavincu, kudu, praptamagu. repuvatturu they will come tomorrow. ninnavastimi we arrived yesterday. nato kudavaccinadu he accompanied me. manasuvaccinannikagitalu puccukonnadu he took as many papers as he pleased. ni manasuvaccinattu ceyyi do as you please. This verb is used (like Come in all languages), in numerous senses. vaccetepa next time. vaccenelalo in the next month. vaccekadagandlu rakamanavu the evil that must happen will happen. As an auxiliary, it is added to the present participle of any verb to denote long habit or continuance, as caduvucuvaccinadu he continued to read. atluceyucu vaccinadu I have been doing so all along. akkadiki povucuvaccinadu he used to go there. It is also joined to the past participle of the verb valayu. itlu ceyavalasi vaccinadi it became necessary to do so. It is added to the infinitive in A. idi maku teliyavaccinadi it came to our knowledge. naku buddhiceppivaccinadu he went so far as to advise me. vaccu or vaccunu(the third person singular aorist of vaccu) is used with the infinitive as an auxiliary signifying permission, possibility or probability. nivu akkadiki povaccunu you may go there.memu ravaccuna? may we come? atlu kavaccunu it may be so perhaps. radu (the neg. aor. 3rd person singular) means must not or cannot. nivu akkadiki poradu you must not go there. nenu ceyaradu I cannot do it. atla cepparada can you not say so? Added to a dative, vaccu is used to mean To be got, gained, acquired, to be available. a bhasa vaniki vaccinadihe has learned the language, he knows that tongue. i biyyamu nela dinalaku vaccinavi this rice lasted for one month. vanikemivaccinadi what happened to him? iyya manasuvaccinadi he was inclined to give it. vaniki buddhivaccinadi he has learnt sense. vaniki misaluvaccinavi his whiskers have grown. daniki malli kandlu vaccinavi she has recovered her sight. a biddaku pallu vaccinavi the child has cut its teeth. ikkada sakaramunaku lopamu vaccinadi there is an elision of the letter S. vaniki annanike lopamu vaccinadihe is even in want of food. vaniki ontikivaccinadi he fell sick. idi panikivaccunu this will do, this will be useful. pranamunaku vacce perilous, hazardous. idi ni pranamunaku vaccunu this will put your life in peril. notikivaccinattu vaniki tittinadu he gave them all the abuse he could think of. atani peru naku raledu I cannot recollect his name. a pathamu vaniki raledu he does not know the lesson. vaccubadi vatstsubadi. n. Income. ayati. rabadi. vaniki ninda vaccubadiyunnadi he has a large income. vacuramulu vatstsu-ramulu. (vaccuta+rami.) n. Coming and not coming. vaccutayunu ramiyunu.