[Tel.] n. Heat, vedimi, endasega. tapamu. Trouble, pain, labour, sramamu. A sort of cake, gare. A kind of hot cake. adj. Hot, vedi. vadakotti caccipoyinadu orvadatagili caccipoyinadu he died of sunstroke. “nippulavasantamuladu nendalavadajallupadamati vayuvulunu.” P. i. 304. vadagallu vada-gallu. n. A hailstone. “ralenoyyanavadagandlu palapandlu.” A. iv. 118. padagavva vada-gavva. n. The name of a certain fish, a species of Scomber. Russell, plate 139. vadagali or vadagadpu vadi-gali. n. The hot or land wind. nippugali. vadagonu vada-gonu. v. n. To feel hot, tapamunupondu. vadapappu vada-pappu. n. A dish of green gram, split and soaked in water, with salt, pepper, assaf&oe;tida, &c. badalikatirutaku nanavesi koncemu uppu unguvakalipina pesarapappu. vadapinde vada-pinde.n. A tender fruit that falls down from a tree through the heat of the weather. vadamudi vada-mudi. n. One who makes it hot for his enemies, satruvulaku tapamunu galugajeyuvadu. A Telugu name of Bhima, one of the heroes of the Pandu race. bhimudu. “ka kaduvadi zaniyantantambudamibadinakarulagamulu poraluta katanan vadamudiyadacinateruverpadagani vevegateru parape ngadiyun.” M. VI. ii. 375.