vayi meaning in english

[Tel.] n. The mouth, noru. The face, mukhamu. The edge of any cutting instrument, kattiyancu. Wind, vayuvu; as koravayi, mandavayi. vayivilangamu the name of a tree. M. III. vi. 261. nillavayi a valley or hollow through which a stream sometimes runs, naludikkulanu kuriyunillu vaccedari. nutivayikattu a parapet round a well,davurugoda, pasvadulupadakunda bhavicuttukattinagoda. Plu. vatulu. vata rata. (Loc. of vayi the mouth.) In the mouth. miru vaccedaka maku vata tadiledu there was no moisture in our mouth until you came, i.e., we were in terror until your arrival. vanni pirangivatapettinaru they blew him up from the mouth of a cannon. vatarattu vata-rattu. n. A chatter box, vadurubotu. vatavadi vata-vadi. n. An unpleasant talker. vati vati. (Gen. of vayi.) vatikasu vati-kasu. n. Hush-money, a bribe, lancamu. vatibiyyamu or vatikasubiyyamuvati-biyyamu. n. A few grains of rice put in the mouth of a dead person when lying on the funeral pile. pinugunotavese biyyamu. vayodu vay-odu. v. n. To be unable to open the mouth, to be unable to talk, to be timid in speaking, to be bashful or reserved in speech. vayodaka frankly, freely noru anacukonakunda. “attapadinela vayodakakasaru boruvaralatodan.” S. iii. 321.