kattu meaning in english

[Tel.] n. A tie, bond, band. A bandage, a knot bandhamu, mudi. A rule, regulation, law. nibandhanamu, nirbandhamu. A tax or duty. Fascination,. vakattu striking dumb. Soil, place pradesamu. isukakattu sandy soil. System, fashion, mode or plot, device. kattuga matladu to speak by rule or consistently. A strike. varu kattukattinaru they struck work. Form, shape. Prohibition, restriction, a charm, an enchantment. miti. A streak. nunugu misakattu the line of his budding whiskers. The hoop or band of a bucket, the tire of a wheel. The water in which any kind of pulse is boiled except rice. ulavakattu boilings of horse gram. Season, weather. part of the year. rtuvu. sitakattu the cold season. A forged coin. sisakattu rupayi a leaden rupee. vendikattu a silvered coin. jatikattu the tie of kindred, the custom of the caste. mantrakattu fascination, charming by spells. madikattu a waistband or girdle, nirukattu a stoppage of urine. valakattu a weir in a river, posts to fasten a net to i yintilo mundarikattu peddadi venakatikattu cinnadi the front of this house is larger than the back rooms.