kadupu meaning in english

[Tel.] n. The belly or stomach. vani kadupu kalucunnadi he is very hungry; kadupu kattukonu to stint oneself, restrain one’s appetite. kadupumanta heart burning, malice, envy. orvalemi, irsya. vani kadupuloni mata the thoughts of his heart. nannu kadupulo pettukoni pencenu he reared me tenderly. kaduputonundu to be pregnant or with child.kadupudiginadi she had a miscarriage. kadupudincu to effect miscarriage, to cause an abortion. parakadupu an empty or fasting stomach. pottikadugu an empty or fasting stomach. pottikaduputhe abdomen. kadupu callaga nunduta to be happy or blessed. kaduvunopi belly ahe, stomach ache. kadupuda. (kadupu+uda.) a cattle disease in which the belly is bloated; also, envyorvalenitanamu, irsya.