kannu meaning in english

[Tel.] n. The eye. netramu. Sight cupu. An orifice, small hole or hollow randhramu. The black mark in the middle of the parchment or of a drum. maddelamodalaguvanilonundu gundrani nallagurutu. A trace zada. The bush for box in a carriage wheel bandikannu. An arch or a span in a bridge vantenadvaramu. The eye-like spot in a peacock’s train nemalipurikannu. The mesh of a net valaloni randhramu. The eye or joint or knot in a cane or reed vedurulo naguvaganuvu kindigunta. dapalikannu the small end of the drum. kannuviccuto open the eye. The abl. is kanta thus kantabadu to fall into the eye, to be in view. vaniki kandlu agupadavu he cannot see kannukanabadanivadu a blind man. kandlu tiriginavi I turned giddy.peddakandluceyu to look angry. kannulerra cesikonu to make one’s eyes inflamed with wrath. kannugattu kannu-gattu. n. Fascination, deluding. kannukattuta to delude, or blind the eyes.kannukattuvidya magic,legerdemain. The art of being invisible. kannugava or kannudoyi A pair of eyes. kannuniru or kanniru tears. kannubramu (R. 1. 107.) To evade, delude.kannumusinaganta a blindman’s buff. kannumoragu as though blind. kannumeragu or kanumoragu to delude vancincu. kannularacucu to see with one’s own eyes, view distinctly. kannuveyu to cast an eye on, to long for asincu, kannulamranu the sugar cane ceraku. kannulavilukadu Cupid manmathudu .