kapu meaning in english

[Tel. from kacu.] kacu. n. Keeping, attendance. Protection, guard. raksanamu. Heat, warmth (This is from kagu.) Productiveness kayalukacuta. The crop or fruit. kapudiginacettu a tree that is past bearing. kandlaku reppalu kapuganunnavi the eyelids are a protection to the eyes. kapu uncu to place a guard. kapu or kapuvadu n. A tenant. A farmer, a cultivator. A rustic or countryman. A person, an individual, a dweller. mancu kondakapu or himacalavasi. Siva rudrudu. sommukapu a holder or owner of property. palikapu a member or shareholder. mahanatikapulu leaguesmen, members of the (Mahanadu) community.kapugada or kapudu kapugada. n. Protection. kacuta, raksincutakapa kapa. adj. Appertaining to the farmer caste. kapamatalu rustic language. The vocative of kapu a farmer. okapa, nivetloko vacciti vitaku O farmer, how did you come here? B.D. iv. 1963. kavatakapata. n. A country girl, a rustic. The female of kapukaputanamu kapu-tanamu. n. The rustic condition, the state of farmers. i kaputanamunu vidicipettadamu melu it would be better to give up the farming business. kapudi A woman of the farming caste, a female rustic.