kalamu meaning in english

[Skt.] n. Time, occasion, period. Season, weather. The tense of a verb. Death cavu. Blackness nalupu. bhutabhavisyadvartamanakalamulu the past, future, and present tenses. kalamuceyuto die. varsakalamu the rainy season. sitakalamu winter. endakalamu summer. the bright fortnight or moonlight weather. cikatikalamu the dark fortnight. kalamujarupu to demur: to put off. miru etla kalamujarupukontunnaru how do you pass your time, or how do you live? kalatrayamu at the three times of the day, morning, noon and night, or, the present, past and future. kalatrayamulandunnu perpetually. kalakanthamukala-kanthamu. n. The black-throat, i.e., a sparrow piccika. A peacock nemali. A wagtail katukapittakalakanthudu or kalakandharudu kala-kanthudu. An epithet of Siva. kalakutamu kala-kutamu. n. Mortal poison: venom. visabhedamukalaksepamu kala-kshepamu. n. Passing or spending time. vidyakalaksepamu literary pursuits. vattikalaksepamu mere pastime. granthakalaksepamu reading. kalaksepamuceyu to pass one’s time, nivu ippuvu etla kalaksepamu cestunnavu how do you now live? kalakrayamu kala-krayamu. n. The price of the day: the present rate; the current price. kalakhandamu kala-khandamu. The liver.karijamukalacakramukala-chakramu. The circle of time. kalajnamula kalagnyamu. A cock, as knowing the hour. kalajnavatri kalagnyapa/ /ri. n. A cock, also, the cuckoo. “kalajnapatriruta mbetlu celangumanakupitastri karnadambhaliyai.” A. v. 110. kalajnanamu kala-gnyanamu. n. Knowledge of time Predictive knowledge. Certain histories or legends are written under this name, as thevidyaranyakalajnanamu, the sarvajnakalajnanamu, the cennabasavakalajnanamu being the visions or predictions regarding particular saints. kalajnudu kalagnyudu. n. An astrologer jyotisyudu. kaladharmamukala-dharmamu. n. The debt of nature. Death muranamu. akalampatvuvu untimely death. kalapravrtti kala-pravritti. n. Evacuation. nedu naku kalapravrttikaledu I had no motion to-day. kalayapanamu kala-yapanamu. n. Delay, loss of time. kalavahni kala-vahni. n. The devouring flames destined to burn up the world. A consuming fire, a conflagration. kalavilambamu kala-vilambamu. n. Tardiness, loss of time, delay. kalasutramu kala-sutramu. n. A name of a region in the hell of the Hindu Puranas. kalaharanamu kala-haranamu. n. Delay, loss of time. kalantakudu kal-antakudu. n. One who brings the end. An epithet of Siva. kalantaramu kal-antaramu. n. Another time. kalantaramandu or kalantarena through the lapse of time, at another time. kalatitamu kal-atitamu. n. Delay, loss of time. kalatitamainadi it is now too late.kalarkudu kal-arkudu. The sun that at the last day shall scorch up the world. kalavadhi kal-avadhi. n. The end of a year or season. kalavasanamu kal-avasanamu. n. The end of time, i.e., death. kalikamukalikamu. adj. Regarding time. bahukalikamaina of long standing. isatkalikamaina temporary, momentary. kalocitamu kal-ochitamu. adj. Seasonable. kalocitapumatalu such words as suited his purpose.