[Skt. lit. One who strikes.] adj. Appertaining to the Kshatriya caste; lordly. raca. ksatriya or ksatriyani n. A baroness: a woman of the military caste. ksatriyastri, racadi.ksatriyudu kshatriyudu. n. A baron, one belonging to the military caste. racavadu. Raghu Vamsam, ii. 48. ksatra kulamu kshatra-kulamu. n. The knightly order, the regal or military caste. racajati.ksatrabandhuvu kshatra-bandhuvu. n. One related to a Kshatriya (used as a term of reproach.) ksatramu kshatramu. n. The body. sariramu.