khandanamu meaning in english

[Skt. from khan = to cut.] n. Breaking, dividing, cutting, reducing to pieces. narukudu. Slaying, smiting, destroying, annihilating. Refuting. Rebellion, opposition. Criticism. khandasudu khandanudu. n. A slayer, a smiter. khandamu khandamu. n. A piece, part, fragment, portion. A chapter, a section. A country, a district, a division. uttarakhandamu the Northern Division. khandasaṃvittu (L. XIII. 32.) jivesvarudujivaparamatmudukhandasarkara khanda-sarkara. n. Lump sugar. khandasasi khandasasi. n. The moon when less than full: the half moon or crescent. khanda khanda. n. A cross handled dagger. janjatikatti, peddakatti. In poetry kaluvarekukhanda he whose dagger is a blossom, i.e., the god of love. khandi khandi. n. The measure called a Kandy.puttikhandincu khandintsu. v. t. To cut to pieces, sever, divide, take to pieces, dissect. To tear or break off. To reject, confute, refute. To criticise, to test. To decide, settle, determine. khandimpukhandimpu n. A settlement, a bargain. khandimpuceyu to settle a bargain, to bargain, to settle. khandika or khandrika khandika. n. A grange or farm house. A lot of land, or portion of a village, granted free of rent or on a favourable lease. khanditamu khanditamu. adj. Severed, cut, divided. narakabadina. Decided, certain, strict. Absolute, down right. khanditottaramu a decisive answer. khandibhutamukhandi-bhutamu. adj. Dashed to pieces. M. VII. iv. 308. khandenduvu khandenduru. n. The half moon or crescent. khandasasi. khandendu bhusanudu he who wears a crescent as his crest, i.e, Siva.