cilaka meaning in english

n. [Tel.] n. A parrot. muddulacilaka my darling! my pet! cilakapalukulu Sweet accents. tellacilaka a cockatoo. pancarangucilaka the maccaw. mainacilaka the maina.puttalacilaka or adivicilaka the Sirkeer Cuckoo. Jerdon. No. 230. ramacilaka. The Rose-ringed Paroquet, Palaeornis torquatus (so called because taught to reiterate the name of Rama.) akucilaka the Western Blossom-headed Paroquet, Palacornis cyanoecphalus. The name is given to some insects, as a moth, thus, akucilaka, vadlacilaka a moth. gaddicilaka, sitakokacilaka a butterfly. A padlock. The bolt or hasp of a door, because these originally had parrot’s heads on them. cilukala koliki a bright-eyed girl or woman. cakkani stri. cilakakura or cilakatotakura chilaka-kura. n. A kind of pot-herb,Amarantus fasciatus. (Watts.) cilaka, cilakata or cilukada chilaka. n. A saddle buckle: a ring at the end of the rope used as a girth of the bullock saddle through which the other end is passed to fasten the saddle. kolikimudi. cilakadatadu chilakada-tadu. n. A girth. eddumidikandalamu, gantabigincetadu. cilakakoyya or cilukakoyya chilaka-koyya. n. A wooden pin fixed in the wall, on which articles are suspended. cilagada chilagada. (ciluka+gada.) n. The cord that fastens a dagger, to prevent its falling out of the sheath. cilakatalamu chilaka-talamu. n. A padlock. cilakatali or cilukatali chilaka-tali. n. A gold buckle in the form of a pair of parrots. cilukadududi chilaka-dududi. n. The name of a certain tree. cilakapacca chilaka-patstsa. n. Bright green, parrot green. cilakamokka or cilakamukkuchilaka-mokka. n. (lit. Parrot’s bill.) A plant called crotolaria. sukananamu, sukanasa. Heyne, 130. The purple red and white scentless flower called Balsam. cilakarautu chilaka-rautu. n. Lit: He whose steed is the parrot: an epithet of manmatha the god of love. ciluka konamu chiluka-komamu. n. A “T bandage,” or clout.