cekku meaning in english

[Tel.] v. a. To pare, to cut into slices. To engrave. (ratnamulanu) podugu. To make a pen. To set jewels. To tuck in, put in, insert, set. To dig slightly or scrape the surface. To cast up the earth, as a worm does. cekkutaddamu chekku-t-addamu. n. A mirror (addamu) set in a frame. (cekkinadi.) cekkudupara chekkudu-para. n. A sort of spade for cutting turf. cekkonu chek-konu. v. n. (middle voice of cekku.) To adjust, trim, set right. cekkincu chekkintsu. v. t. To thrust forward the breast, as a crowing cock does. cekku n. The side, in general. The check. The rind or side of a fruit. Half a pack; being as much as is on each side of a bullock. vaniki cekku cemarcinadi he was quite exhausted. cekkulupikkalu pranks, roguery. cekkucedaraka unharmed, untouched, intact. adi cekku cedarakundanunnadi it is in excellent order.