tati meaning in english

[Tel. Infl. of tadu.] adj. Belonging to the palmyra tree. tati cettu tati-chettu. n. The Palmyra Palm tree. Brab tree, or Fan Palm tree. Borassus flabelliformis (Watts). potu (male) and penti (female) taticettu are two kinds. goddutaticettu or ramataticettu deformed trees of this species supposed to have magic properties. tatipitta tati-pitta. n. The Ashy Swallow-Shrike. Artamus fuscus. (F.B.I.) tatibellamu sugar made from the juice of the palm tree. taticannulu or tativennulu the flowers of the palm. tatikatteda or tatigiripamu tati-katteda. n. A snake found on the palmyra trees.tatipadagavadu an epithet of Balarama or Bhishma. tatirikka the constellation called jyestha. tatirikkanela the month called jyesthi masamu.