[Tel.] v. n. To shake. calincu. To reel, to stagger. To faint, or become giddy. To be overcome with love, &c. To waver, hesitate. To be dazzled, to blink, as the eye. addamutuluta to oppose or hinder. To avoid tolagu. tula tula. [from tulu.] adv. Down, off, roughly. tulanadu or tulabalku to use rough language. tulabuccu to knock down. tulagottu. tulabadu tula-badu. v. n. To fall down, to totter. tulu n. A stumble, a stagger. adj. Prolix, long tedious. tulucu, tulcu or tulincu tulutsu. [Tel.] v. a. To make one reel, to cause one to stagger, to knock down. To remove tolagincu.tulabaru Same as tulu. tulapovu tula-povu. n. To be chagrined or disappointed. cinnapovu. tulapuccu tula-putstsu. v. t. To cause to be chagrined, to disappoint, to disgrace. tuladu (tuli+adu) Same astulu.