teccu meaning in english

[Tel. &root; te to bring to give.] v. a. To get, to bring. tisukonivaccu. To produce. To adduce as an instance. To understand or imply (a word not expressed in a sentence.) To bring about or cause. cittanakuteccu to observe or heed, to lay to heart. harimpulokiteccu, i.e., harincu to embezzle. anubhavamuloki teccu, i.e., anubhavincu t enjoy. prasangamunakuteccu to introduce or bring up a subject. vanneteccu to give (or produce) a colour. musteccu to bring forward. panikiteccu to use or put (a thing) to use. dovakuteccu to bring one into the way, to reform one. temmu(imperative) bring. teccukonu tetstsu-konu. v. n. To obtain or procure. To earn. kinkateccukonu to feign or put on anger, to put oneself into passion. buddhiteccukonu to recover one’s senses: to form a good resolution. manasuku teccukonu to bring to mind, to lay to heart, to understand, to recollect. teppincu teppintsu. v. a. To procure. To senf for. To get, obtain, provide.