[Tel.] v. n. To float. To swim. To bathe. To succeed, be done, be settled, ratified, take place. To terminate, end, blow over or end (as a storm,) swell, ripen (as a boil,) to emerge,podacupu To fall clear of, so as not to hit. To clear up, become known, or ascertained, be decided, as a question or doubt. To be found, come to light, result, come to pass, to be evident or revealed. To go off or depart, as sleep, sickness, &c. To escape or get off. nenu tele upayamu idi this is the plan to save myself. e samudramandu padavesina idi telunu in whatever sea you place this boat it will float, i.e., this must prosper whatever may happen. telabaluku (A. iv. 306.) to speak clearly. telina swelling ubikina; large. telci paluku to accent softly, to use the soft accent instead of the harsh one; aspotana Potana for potanna Potanna, and ipudu ipudu for ippudu ippudu. teladiyu to haul ashore, to pull out or drag out. telagillu or telagilabadu tela-gillu. v. n. To rise to the top. paikitelu. To roll or swim, as the eyes. telagimpu swimming of the eyes. telaveyu tela-veyu. v. a. To open (the eyes) wide. kandlutelaveyu to stop winking telacepa tela-chepa. n. A kind of fish. H. iv. 225. teladu teladu. (teli+adu.) v. n. To float. telu, teliadu. telincu telintsu. (causal of telu) v. a. To cause to float. To bring up or produce. To accomplish, do, achieve, perform. To fulfil. To glance, as applied to the eyes.telcipoyu to pour in loosely or lightly. lalincitelincu to fondle and please. telika telika. n. Lightness, ease. laghutvamu. adj. Easy, simple, light. baruvuleni. vaniki ippudu ollu telikaga nunnadi he is well. teluparu telu-p-aru. v. n. To arise, to be born puttu.