aku meaning in english

[Tel.] n. A leaf of any sort. A petal. patramu, dalamu. A betel, or palmyra leaf; also the leaf on which the Hindus eat their food. vistaraku An ear-ring. cevi kamma. Young rice (paddy) not yet transplanted. Any herb: young sprouts of corn. A flake as aku uppu a flake of salt. Any filament. The radius or spoke of a wheel. The shutter of a blind. akulatalupu a venetian door. Also, a chit, note or short letter. citi; a loan bond. iccipuccukolu patramu. This word prefixed to others generally denotes green; as akutelu a green scorpion, and akumidata a green cricket.adangulakante magavaru edakulu ekkuva cadivinaru men have read seven pages further than women; that is, men are tenfold worse than women; or, are their masters in wickedness. ni peruakunapokana antakunda cepputanu. I shall mention (or use) your name with great caution. aku alamu aku-alamu. n. Greens, herbs, vegetables. (The word alamu here has no definite sense.)akukuralu or kurakulu aku-kuralu. n. Potherbs, garden stuff. aku catuna aku-tsatana. adj. In ambush, hidden, veiled, screened. akucirutapuli aku-chiruta-puli. n. A small species of leopard.akucilaka aku-chilaka. n. A butterfly, or a green parrot. akujemudu aku-jemudu. n. The oleander-leaved spurge. Emphorbia Neriifolia. (See jemudu.) akutillu aku-tillu. n. A booth or hut of leaves, an arbor of leaves. akutinta in a booth. akutiga the vine that produces the tamala (or betel) leaf. aku tota a betel garden: a garden in which plants are reared. akupacca aku-pattsa. n. The colour called sap green. akupatri cettu aku-pattri-chettu. n. The clove tree. Cassia lignea. a certain game. (H. iii. 190). aka-rarugu. n. A green caterpillar. akupota aku-pota. n. Transplantation of a green crop. akupoyu aku-poyu. v. a. To transplant corn. To set the sprouts. akumadi aku-madi. n. A field sown, but the sprouts of which are to be transplanted. (also, callednarumadi.) akumadupu aku-madupu. n. A roll of betel leaf. A mode of measurement. aku molakaku The self planting herb. akurayi aku-rayi. n. A file (i.e., aku a filament rayu to rub off.) Also the name of a bird, the cuckoo (F.B.I.) balupakurayi or mullakurayi (from mullu a thorn) a rasp. katti akurayi a sharp thin file for cutting combs. kammi akurayi a very small file. vatranakurayi a three sided file.