[Skt.] v. n. To come down, to get down into. digu. To be born. puttu. To appear, to put on a form, to become incarnate. avataramettu. visnuvu matsyamuga avatarincenu Vishnu appeared as a fish. krsnuduga avatarincenu he was born as Krishna, or he appeared as Krishna or he put on the form of Krishna. avataramu ava-taramu. [Skt.] n. Incarnation, metamorphosis. The descent of a deity from heaven in a particular shape, the appearance of any deity upon earth, origin. devudu rupantaramunu ettadamu. visnuvu ettina dasavataramulu the ten incarnations of Vishnu. ramavataramettinappudu when he appeared on earth as Rama. vadu garvavataramu he is pride incarnate, adi ksamavataramu she is the genius of famine. (Shakesp. 2. Hen. IV. act. 3.) “famine in the abstract, famine embodied, or personified.” avatarapurusudu avatara-purushudu. n. A god man, a divine being in human form. mahatmudu.