[Tel.] n. A cart, gig, carriage, coach, waggon, sakatamu. A car, rathamu. The four kinds of bandlu are gudubandi or capabandi a cart covered with a mat. pettebandi a palanquin coach, or a bullock coach. villubandi a carrriage on springs. kocibandi an English “coach.” The piece of wood round which gold lace or cotton lace is rolled: so called because shaped like an axle between two wheels. bandikallu bandi-kallu. n. The wheel of a carriage or cart. kallu, rathacakramu. (kallu is a stone, as the wheels, were originally made of stone. Such are still seen in remote towns.) bandikallu rupayi or bandirupayi bandi-kallu-rupayi. n. A milled rupee: lit: one like a wheel. bandigillu bandi-gillu. v. n. To suffer difficulties. kadagandlupadu. bandigurigiášza or bandiguruvenda bandi-gurigindza. n. The vine calledDalbergia volubilis. Rox. iii. 231. kambhojilata. bandimoggaramu bandi-moggaramu. n. A certain military evolution called sakatavyuhamu, which is shaped like a cart. bandirikka bandi-rikka. n. The star called rohini. bandirepha bandi-repha. n. “The great R.” The leter ra; which is so named from bandi a wheel. sapatarepha. (The Pandits have made fruitless efforts to introduce this obsolete letter into modern Telugu.) bandirevu bandi-revu. n. A ford in a river where carts cross it. The great shore. bandirotta bandi-rotta. n. A sort of fodder.