bonta meaning in english

[Tel.] n. A quilted cloth, a patched rug, a ragged patched cloth. The mullet fish, Mugil cephalus. Russell. No. 56. &c. “gantalakutaginabontaluleve.” Vaija. ii. 99. like horse, like saddle. adj. Large, pedda. bontarati bonta-arati. n. A large kind of plantain. bontakaki bonta-kaki. n. A raven, the large Cormorant. kakolamu. bontagandhakamu bonta-gandhakamu. n. A sort of brimstone in flakes. bontajimudu bonta-jemudu. n. A cactus of a large size used as a medicine. bontarayi bonta-rayi. n. A kind of pebbly rock, a conglomerate.