[Tel.] v. n. To be spoiled or damaged. To become rotten or worthless. To become wicked or bad. To be dispelled, dissipated, or done away with as darkness. To become bad, damaged or ruined. nasincu, kanabadakapovu. To change, be altered from its original state. “nakaramu cedi arthabinduvu vaccenu (Appa. C. ii. 31.) the letter N is dropt and the nasal sign (sunna) is substituted.” adi cedeit is ruined! vasicedinakanti with diminished brilliancy. ni saį¹sayamu cedunu your doubts shall be dissipated. M. XIII. v. 97. cedagottu cheda-gottu. v. t. To ruin, spoil. cedanadu cheda-n-adu. v. t. To blame. nindincu. To curse. To say ‘Be it ruined’! To scorn. To waste, throw away. cedipa chedipa. (cedina+apa.) n. An unchaste woman. rankutalu. cedu adj. Vile, worthless, Horrid, abominable. ceducikku a terrible difficulty. cedugu chedugu. adj. Ruined, vile, worthless, Cruel kruramu. n. Evil, a misfortune or calamity. asubhamu. A bad woman dusturalu. cedugadu or cedugottu chedu-gadu. n. A miscreant, a wretch. krurudu. P. i. 559. cedda chedda. (contracted form cedina.) adj. Bad, spoiled ruined, lost. Terrible, awful, tremendous. Hard, cruel. n. Evil. kidu. manciceddalu good and bad. kulamuceddavadu one who has lost caste. talaceddacettu a pollard, a tree that has lost its head. ceddatanamu chedda-tanamu. n. Badness, wickedness, severity.