ciluku meaning in english

[Tel.] n. An arrow: banamu. A spray, a spirt. A hasp or bolt of a door. gollemu, koliki. A remainder, balance or residue. sesamu. v. n. To be shed: to distil or trickle. cindu. To be aroused, as love. prasarincu, miru. v. a. To sprinkle, to spirt or shed. callu. To churn traccu. To instil. karunarasamu ciluku kannudummulatoda with eyes that distilled the very essence of affection.cilukutammu chiluku-t-ammu. n. A sort of fighting cock. A two pointed arrow. cilukudu chilukudu. n. Churning cilukuta. cilukudugunja. chilukudu-gunza. n. A churn staff.