citti meaning in english

[Tel.] n. A butter-bat. A certain measure, the fourth part of a sola. A small high vessel made of brass or copper. cittedu a cupful. citti adj. Little, young. citi. cittitacettu chittita-chettu. n. The small date (ita) tree. cittadugulu little footsteps like those of infants. P. ii. 126. cittatuka chitt-atuka. n. A small shelf or ledge, a little cupboard. catuka. cittattu chitt-attu. adv. Delicately, softly, gently.cittadavi chitt-adavi. n. A thicket, or brake. An impenetrable thicket, wood, or forest. adavi. cittiguba chitti-guba. n. The scops owl, Scops giu. peddacittiguba the Collared Scops Owl, Scops bakkamoena. citticiratapaksi chitti-chirata-pakshi. n. The Indian Pigmy Woodpecker, lyngipicus hardwickii. (F.B.I.).