dapu meaning in english

[Tel.] n. Nearness. samipamu. Fear, bhayamu.

“dapuleni ranambu netiki danavottamacudagan.” mai. i.

a yillu naku dapu niku duramu that house is near to me and far from you. adj. Neighbouring, next, bordering on. v. a. To hide, dacu. dapincu dapintsu. v. n. To approach. samipincu. v. a. To cause to be hidden. To have hidden, to cause to hide. dapudu dapudu. n. Hiding. dacuta. dapudacira dapudu-chira. n. Clothes that are laid by, i.e., holiday clothes, as distinguished from kattukoka. dapuna dapu-na. (abl. of dapu.) adv. Near, by. dapumupulu dapu-mupulu. (anuk) n. Hiding and concealing. dapuramu, daparikamu or daparamu dapuramu. n. Concealment. marugupuccuta. A hoard,dacinasommu. Coming into one’s possession or enjoyment, prapti. dapuramagu da-puram-agu. v. n. To accrue. praptincu, labhincu.