[Tel.] v. n. &a. To cross over, to pass over. To jump or leap, langhincu, To elude. To escape. To go beyond or transgress, ullanghincu. To cross or copulate, applied to cattle. namataadugudataku transgress not my command. n. A crossing. A jump, gantu, langhanamu. A host, any army, samuhamu. caturangabalayutasena. Vijaya. i. 174. Parij. iv. 5. A sore due to having crossed some unlucky spot. datuludatinciri they made the cattle pass over a ploughshare for good luck. Also, an ordeal; passing or stepping over an idol. datrayi or daturayi datrayi. n. A boys’ game. datluveyu datlu-veyu. v. n. To bound or jump. datluvesturavadamu to come bounding along. datukattu datu-kattu. v. n. To become a crowd. gumpukudu. datukonu. Same as datu. datincu datintsu. v. a. To cause to pass over. To pass over. akkada padi dinamulu datincinadu he passed ten days there.