[Tel.] pron. What. nadaggira yeminni ledu. I have nothing with me. vadu emayinadu what has become of him? inka ceyavalasinadi mari yemi ledu nothing further remains to be done. emaina undunu there may be something. nenikkada undadamuvalla phalamemi what is the good of my staying here? sommu eminni poledu nothing has been lost. emikatambuna (i.e.endunimittamu) for what reason. vademi nenemi anta okkate either he or I, there is no difference. vaccinada yemi has he come? na tandriyemi nenemi both my father and I, my father as well as I.evvadainanemi no matter who it is. adiyemi yidiyemi either this or that. a yillu miku calakayemi what do you mean by saying the house is too small for you? vadu rakayemi why should he not come? surely, he will? emivaccinavu what have you come for? kukka yemi morugucunnadi how the dog barks! vadu eminni yedavaledu he did not weep at all. emiti emiti. pron. & adj. What, of which, what kind of. ademiti what’s that? emito I don’t know what that is vadu emitivadu of what caste is he? emitiki wherefore, for what reason. emitiko I know not why. eminni anything whatever. eminni yivvadu he will give nothing. emo or emo emo. (emi with o added for doubt.) I know not what. raledemo perhaps they did not come.