[Tel.] v. a. To take up, raise, lift up paikettu. To take, to remove. tisikonu. To assume or take on oneself, to obtain or acquire (a name.) vahincu, pondu. manci perettu to acquire reputation. To cite, quote, mention, adduce, introduce a subject prastavincu. matayettu. To mention by name, advert to, allude to. To erect (a door or pillar.) To undertake. To raise or levy (an army.)atadu janmamettenu he assumed a mortal body, he was born. ettivrayu to copy out or extract from a book. gontetticaduvu to read aloud. bhiksamettu to take or receive alms. talukulettu to assume lustre or become bright. norettu to open the mouth, to speak nenu norettaledu I did not open my lips. guttayettinadu he undertook the contract. dandettu he raised troops. tumu ettincu to open a sluice.alugettu to open an alugu (q. v.) langaru ettu to weigh anchor. parugettu to take a run, to run. ettukonivaccu to fetch, to bring away. pillanu ettukonu to take up a child. ettukonipovu to carry away or remove, to steal. tiripemettu to take alms, to beg. virulettu to sprout, to send forth shoots.