grahamu meaning in english

[Skt. graha = to seize.] n. A planet. navagrahamulu the seven planets and the sun and moon. dasamagrahamu a tenth planet: being like the Georgium sidus. A spirit, a devil. A proverb says jamata dasamograhh A son-in-law is a more pestilent fellow than any one planet! he is the “tenth!” grahacaramu graha-charamu. n. Disaster, ill luck, fate, misfortune. na grahacaramu calaka yitlu jariginadi through my misfortune (or, to my sorrow) it so happened. ma grahacaramu itlunnadi this is what has befallen us. grahanamu grahana-mu. n. Taking, seizure. Reception, acceptance, comprehension. An eclipse. grahani grahani. n. Diarrh&oe;a, dysentery. atisararogamu. grahataralu graha-taralu. n. The planets and fixed stars. grahapati graha-pati. n. The lord of the stars, i.e., the sun. graharaju the sun or moon.